Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Turkey Day

It's year #2 in Denver and L Thomson and my neighbors have come through again. I spent the day eating fantastic food and drinking good wines amongst wonderful conversation. But I learned my lesson from last year - multiple meals with no limitations can lead to a world of hurt. Not this time, my friends, moderation was my mantra even though it was seriously hard. William, that butternut squash soup and stuffing was the bomb. Kudos to you, you get the Golden Turkey Baster award this year.

I ended the evening at a place called Charlie Brown's. Ummm adventure, would be a good way to describe it. The place is reminiscent of a smokey (if smoking was still allowed in Denver bars) piano bar, full of men and women who've enjoyed their day and aren't ready to let the good times go. Did I mention it looks like it might be connected to a half way house or home for local transients? Yeah, this place while quaint, has seen better days. Thank goodness it was late and I really enjoyed the cocktails Skip made earlier. Oh yeah, the Golden Martini Shaker goes to mix master Skip - you rock a Peach Bellini my friend!

Our small table grew from 5 to 7 then 10. And while we chose to sing in a tone and volume less like those of our drunken counterparts sing along we did.

In the end I can say I met several lovely boys that night. Three shared with me a meal to end all holiday meals and 2 caused me to blush over beers and whiskey drinks. But you know me, highly successful in friendship cultivation, crap ass at flirting.

So a few hours later I found myself walking out with one arm around my new found friend. Yep...this was more like me, heading home with a boy who's told me I'm beautiful. I smile...then laugh, as he hurls himself ass first into the bushes. This is my life...welcome.

Gobble, Gobble my friends.
**Oh yeah, did you see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade got Rick rolled??

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