Friday, November 19, 2010

So let's talk...

Well boys and girls, I recently received some advice about men and thought I'd share this spicy little nugget with you.  "Men aren't interested in women who aren't needy."  

Whoa - whoa there everybody before all 5 of my readers rip me a new one, let me say this...the advice giver presented me with no credentials before this advice was given.  For all I know she got this snippet of enlightenment from a gum wrapper (does Bazooka do that anymore?).  But I have to say I'm leaning towards believing her.  Case in point - me, after all isn't this my blog?  I fancy myself an independent gal, someone who seeks out things to do regardless if there are others to do it with me.  I eat alone at restaurants and have gotten pretty damn good at it.  I live alone and make decisions about my future without the assistance of group think.  I definitely travel alone - I refuse to miss the world because someone because I can't find someone else to go with me.  And yep - read and attend lectures so that I can make up my own mind on things that are important to me.  So what about that says BACK OFF BUSTER, I don't need you?  Come on people - I choose to do these things to make ME better, so I have more to offer myself and anyone else who enters my life.  I mean really, having your act together is a turn off?  I would think living with your parents, never traveling outside your neighborhood, shuffling from one boyfriend to another,  and believing everything Glenn Beck says would be far worse. 

You tell me, am I wrong?

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