I've been taking this small group personal training class beginning at 6 am M, T, W, and F using Boot Camp fitness principles and I loved it! So much that I was getting my lazy butt up at 5:30 to be there. Today was all about running. We were running a circuit with a steep hill run, .25 mile trail, and push ups.
On my 3rd pass down the hill I turned my ankle. It was stinging a little so when I got to the push-up portion of the circuit I did them without putting pressure on my left foot. Our instructor was not happy with my decision. He started talking about the Biggest Loser and how people fake injuries to get less of a workout and then over his shoulder sa
id "you should go see a doctor if it hurts that much." I answered, "I work at a hospital so I'll get someone to check it out there." He then starts getting aggrevated and saying, " it really hurts that much." I couldn't answer because I really had no clue I just knew I wanted to give it a break before I started up that damn steep hill. Next thing I know he yells, Go Home! I'm flabbergasted, what the hell is going on?? All I did was favor an ankle for a 30 second break. Next I here, "Get home I'm refunding your money we don't want people like you working out here."
So there I was getting chewed out in front of the rest of the class. Totally embarrased by a 20 something muscle head for taking a break. I wanted to cry - I couldn't believe I was getting booted from an exercise class. What was even worse was I got my ass up at 5:30 to get yelled at!