Monday, March 21, 2011

It's time to whore myself out - I want readers!!

Yes folks, you read that right. Let's see if my crazy antics and ever so entertaining gift of self deprication and gab will help me in any way. I WANT MORE READERS and I'm willing to do just about anything to get them.   Gratuitus links to my blog on my Twitter page...Lady Gaga and CeeLo lip sync videos on YouTube with subliminal messages directing traffic to my blog, smoke writing over the Smithsonian Kite Festival and last but not least...a travelling billboard full of thought provoking, rage inducing stereotypes and mischaracterizations about women and minorities that can be found on my blog!  BRILLIANT, don't you think?

But, all of this will have to wait as I implement "Increase Readership Master Plan"
STEP 1: Invite a guest blogger...Yeah I'm looking at you Meghan Super Awesome Daniels- will you pimp my blog? Come on...pretty please?  I know your committed readers would be willing to follow you to foreign blog territory at least once.  Will you please use your status of "Blogger Prom Queen" to help the "Town Misfit" out (note the Breakfast Club reference there, oh shoot I forgot you're way too young for myarchaic John Hughes references - my bad)?

Meghan, the floor is yours.

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